Depict the hydrogen bonding between two ammonia molecules and between one ammonia molecule and one water molecule?

Yes, ammonia is NH3 and water is H2O. We can't draw structures on these boards. However, for H bonding between ammonia molecules, the N of one molecule has the usual

&nbsp&nbsp ..
&nbsp&nbsp |
&nbsp&nbsp H
(I hope that looks ok).
To show H bonding between NH3 molecules, you draw a dashed line between the N of one NH3 molecule and the H of another NH3 molecule. That is H bonding between NH3 molecules. Of course, you can make a chain of those types of bonds if you wish. Then to show H bonding between NH3 and H2O, you draw a dashed line between the H of an NH3 molecule to the O of the H2O molecule but there is no reason to believe that H from H2O and N from NH3 couldn't bond the same way (except you realize O is the more electronegative atom; therefore, the O will attract additional H atoms more so that N will).

Well I am supposed to depict the hydrogen bonding between two ammonia molecules in structural formula, and the one ammonia molecule and water molecule in structural formula.

Isn't ammonia NH subscript 3 ?

okay thanks I think I understand it now

To depict the hydrogen bonding between ammonia (NH3) molecules, we need to understand the structure of the ammonia molecule. Ammonia consists of one nitrogen atom bonded to three hydrogen atoms. The nitrogen atom has one lone pair of electrons.

In the hydrogen bonding between two ammonia molecules, the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen of one ammonia molecule interacts with the hydrogen atom of the other ammonia molecule. This interaction creates a hydrogen bond. This can be depicted as follows:

N-H ··· H-N

The ··· represents the hydrogen bond between the two ammonia molecules.

Now, let's consider the hydrogen bonding between ammonia (NH3) and water (H2O). Water also has a bent shape with two lone pairs of electrons on oxygen and two hydrogen atoms. The hydrogen bonding occurs between the lone pair of electrons on the oxygen atom of water and the hydrogen atom of ammonia. The hydrogen bonding can be depicted as:

O-H ··· H-N

The ··· represents the hydrogen bond between the ammonia and water molecules.

Please note that the depiction of hydrogen bonding is a simplified representation, and in reality, it involves the attraction between partially positive hydrogen and partially negative nitrogen or oxygen due to the difference in electronegativity.