According to chance, what fraction of their children will have dimples?

Incomplete. You need to supply much more information.

To determine the fraction of their children that will have dimples, we need to consider the probability of inheriting dimples from both parents. Here are the steps to calculate it:

1. Identify the genotype of each parent: Dimples are caused by a dominant gene (D), while no dimples are caused by a recessive gene (d). Let's say one parent has a genotype DD (dimples) and the other parent has a genotype Dd (dimples carrier).

2. Determine the possible genotypes of their offspring: Each parent will randomly pass on one gene to their child. So the possible genotypes of the children will be:

- Parent 1: DD
- Parent 2: Dd

3. Analyze the possible combinations: By pairing the genotype of each parent, we get the following possibilities for their children:

- DD × Dd: All the children will have dimples (DD genotype).

- DD × DD: All the children will have dimples (DD genotype).

4. Calculate the fraction: As we can see, in both scenarios, all the children will have dimples. Therefore, the fraction of their children with dimples is 1 (or 100%).

Remember, this explanation assumes that dimples follow a simple dominant/recessive genetic pattern, which may not always be the case in real-life situations.