Which of the following sentences is written in active voice?

The decision was made to revise the original proposal.

A market analysis was conducted to determine the project’s need.

The project was developed after months of planning.

The committee voted to postpone the deadline.


The answer

The sentence written in active voice is:

d. The committee voted to postpone the deadline.

To determine which of the sentences is written in active voice, we need to understand the difference between active voice and passive voice. In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action, while in passive voice, the subject receives the action.

a. "The decision was made to revise the original proposal." - This sentence is in passive voice because the subject ("The decision") receives the action ("was made").

b. "A market analysis was conducted to determine the project’s need." - This sentence is in passive voice because the subject ("A market analysis") receives the action ("was conducted").

c. "The project was developed after months of planning." - This sentence is in passive voice because the subject ("The project") receives the action ("was developed").

d. "The committee voted to postpone the deadline." - This sentence is in active voice because the subject ("The committee") performs the action ("voted").

So, the sentence written in active voice is: "The committee voted to postpone the deadline." (option d)