Libby sold $70 worth of vegetables, jess sold 3/4 of what libby sold, Stephanie sold 1/3 of what jess sold. How much did they sell together?

To find out how much they sold together, we need to calculate each person's sales and then add them up.

1. Libby sold $70 worth of vegetables.
2. Jess sold 3/4 of what Libby sold. To calculate Jess's sales, we need to find 3/4 of $70.
3/4 * $70 = $52.50
Jess sold $52.50 worth of vegetables.
3. Stephanie sold 1/3 of what Jess sold. To calculate Stephanie's sales, we need to find 1/3 of $52.50.
1/3 * $52.50 = $17.50
Stephanie sold $17.50 worth of vegetables.

Now, to find out how much they sold together, we add up their individual sales:
Libby's sales + Jess's sales + Stephanie's sales = $70 + $52.50 + $17.50 = $140.

Therefore, they sold together for $140.

To find out how much Libby, Jess, and Stephanie sold together, we'll need to calculate the individual sales and then add them up.

First, let's find out how much Jess sold. We know that Jess sold 3/4 of what Libby sold.

To calculate Jess's sale, we multiply Libby's sale by 3/4:

Jess's sale = (3/4) * $70

To evaluate this expression, we multiply the fractions:

Jess's sale = (3/4) * $70 = (3 * $70) / 4 = $210 / 4 = $52.50

So, Jess sold $52.50 worth of vegetables.

Next, let's find out how much Stephanie sold. We know that Stephanie sold 1/3 of what Jess sold.

To calculate Stephanie's sale, we multiply Jess's sale by 1/3:

Stephanie's sale = (1/3) * $52.50

To evaluate this expression, we multiply the fractions:

Stephanie's sale = (1/3) * $52.50 = $52.50 / 3 = $17.50

Thus, Stephanie sold $17.50 worth of vegetables.

Finally, to find out how much they sold together, we'll add up the individual sales:

Total sales = Libby's sale + Jess's sale + Stephanie's sale
= $70 + $52.50 + $17.50
= $140

So, Libby, Jess, and Stephanie sold together a total of $140 worth of vegetables.

Total = 70 + (3/4)70 + (1/3)(3/4 * 70) = $140.