Which feature of functional texts is evident in the passage?

What passage? Title? Author?

What is a functional text?

yooo wahts is it ?

To determine which feature of functional texts is evident in the passage, we first need to understand what functional texts are. Functional texts are written materials that serve a specific purpose or function, such as providing instructions, explaining a process, or presenting information in a concise manner.

To identify the feature present in the passage, you need to analyze the content and structure of the text. Look for any elements that indicate the passage's purpose and how it tries to fulfill that purpose. Here are a few common features of functional texts:

1. Clear and concise language: Functional texts usually use straightforward and concise language to convey information efficiently. Look for any instance where the passage uses simple and direct language to communicate.

2. Organized structure: Functional texts often have a well-organized structure that guides the reader through the content. Pay attention to headings, subheadings, bullet points, or numbered lists that help present information in a logical manner.

3. Use of imperative verbs: Functional texts often contain instructions or directions, and the use of imperative verbs like "do," "press," or "follow" is common. Check if the passage contains any imperative verbs that indicate a set of actions to be taken.

4. Visual aids or graphic elements: Many functional texts include visual aids, diagrams, tables, charts, or illustrations to enhance understanding. Look for any visual elements in the passage that support or complement the text.

By examining these features within the passage, you should be able to identify the feature of functional texts that is evident.