Software development is iterative task which aims to provide quality solution to end users according to their needs. This job is tedious and requires continuous brainstorming and adopting best practices of software engineering. The foundation for any software system is its architecture; there can be any number of architectures possible for a solution at a given time.

If you (as a software architect) have to deal with this, how will you ensure that the chosen architecture for the software solution is ideal one and will not create problems in later stages and will ensure a smooth development process and quality end product?

I'm sure you can find many learned articles on this topic, with varying opinions on just what is ideal and how it can be implemented.

However, I fear the question has no single answer, or there would not be the dozens and dozens of programming languages available today. Each one arose because someone felt that the existing products were lacking in some way, and that a new language (a total make-over) was needed.

There is such a variety of types of problems and data requirements that everything from assembly language to exotic beasts like APL and Prolog and LISP have been tried and found wanting.

So, I suggest reading a variety of essays, and using the ideas found therein to support whatever ideas you have on the subject. There will be many points of agreement as to what makes a good architecture, so maybe you should stick to those at first.

As a software architect, ensuring that the chosen architecture for a software solution is ideal and will not create problems in later stages is crucial. Here are some steps you can take to ensure a smooth development process and a quality end product:

1. Understand the requirements: Start by thoroughly understanding the requirements of the software solution. This includes identifying the functional and non-functional requirements, understanding the user needs, and considering any constraints or limitations.

2. Conduct architecture analysis: Analyze the requirements and consider various factors like scalability, performance, security, maintainability, and extensibility. Identify potential risks and prioritize architectural goals based on their importance to the project.

3. Choose appropriate architectural style: Based on the analysis, select an appropriate architectural style that aligns with the project requirements and goals. Evaluate options such as client-server, microservices, layered architecture, event-driven architecture, etc. Consider the trade-offs involved in each option and choose the one that best fits the project's needs.

4. Define clear architectural principles: Establish clear architectural principles and guidelines that all team members should follow throughout the development process. These principles should define how different components of the system interact, how data flows, and how system states are managed. This helps maintain consistency and coherence in the architecture.

5. Prototype and validate the architecture: Develop a prototype or proof of concept to validate the chosen architecture. This allows you to identify any potential issues early on and make necessary adjustments before the full-scale development begins. Solicit feedback from stakeholders, developers, and experts to ensure the chosen architecture meets the project's needs.

6. Collaborate with the development team: Work closely with the development team throughout the development process. Communicate the architectural vision effectively, provide guidance, and be available for discussions and clarifications. Encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing to ensure a shared understanding of the architecture.

7. Monitor and evaluate the architecture: Continuously monitor the architecture's performance and evaluate its effectiveness during the development process. Identify any bottlenecks, scalability issues, or deviations from the architectural principles. Regularly review and refine the architecture as needed, adapting it to changing requirements or constraints.

8. Conduct regular code reviews and testing: Enforce regular code reviews and testing to ensure that the development team adheres to the architectural principles. This helps identify any deviations or potential issues early on and ensures the codebase aligns with the chosen architecture.

9. Document and communicate: Maintain clear and up-to-date documentation of the architecture, design decisions, and any changes made. This serves as a reference for the development team and future maintainers. Additionally, communicate the architecture to stakeholders, users, and other relevant parties to ensure everyone understands the system's structure and capabilities.

By following these steps, you can help ensure that the chosen architecture for the software solution is ideal, supports a smooth development process, and results in a high-quality end product.