13. Which dimension of self-esteem is essential to being a good person?

A. virtue

B. power

C. significance

D. competence

My answer is A.

I don't see virtue as a dimension of self-esteem.

I just looked it up -- and I've changed my mind. I think virtue is the right answer.

Your answer, A. virtue, is correct. Virtue is an essential dimension of self-esteem that is associated with being a good person. While power, significance, and competence may also play a role in self-esteem, virtue is considered the foundation for moral behavior and character.

The dimension of self-esteem that is essential to being a good person is A. virtue.

To determine the answer, we need to understand the different dimensions of self-esteem that are being referred to in the question. Self-esteem refers to the overall subjective evaluation or evaluation of one's worth or value as a person. It can be influenced by various factors and can be categorized into different dimensions.

In this particular question, the options provided are virtue, power, significance, and competence. To determine which dimension of self-esteem is essential to being a good person, we can analyze each option:

A. Virtue: Virtue refers to moral excellence or goodness. It involves having positive ethical qualities, moral values, and behaving in a morally upright way. Being virtuous is considered essential to being a good person.

B. Power: Power refers to the ability to influence or control others or situations. While having power can be important in certain contexts, it is not directly related to being a good person.

C. Significance: Significance refers to feeling valued, important, or influential. While feeling significant can contribute to one's self-esteem, it is not directly related to being a good person.

D. Competence: Competence refers to having the necessary skills, abilities, or knowledge to perform tasks or achieve goals successfully. While being competent is important in various aspects of life, it is not directly related to being a good person.

Based on the analysis of each option, it can be concluded that the dimension of self-esteem that is essential to being a good person is A. virtue.