The school’s policy against girls wearing leggings is undemocratic. Our clothing is an expression of who we are. Limiting our choices is the same as limiting our right to express ourselves. We must be assertive in fighting for our rights.

Which synonym for assertive maintains the positive connotation of the last sentence?
the answer to this question is either ambitious or demanding but I can't figure out which one it is
( I only want help I don't want the answer)

This definition from Google should help you.

Learn to pronounce
having or showing a confident and forceful personality.
"patients should be more assertive with their doctors"
synonyms: confident, forceful, self-confident, positive, bold, decisive, assured, self-assured, self-possessed, believing in oneself, self-assertive, authoritative, strong-willed, insistent, firm, determined, commanding, bullish, dominant, domineering, not backward in coming forward, pushy; rarepushful
"the job may call for assertive behavior"

Thank you Ms. Sue

You're welcome, Sophia.

To determine the synonym with a positive connotation that aligns with the context of the sentence, we need to understand the meanings of both "ambitious" and "demanding."

1. Ambitious: This term implies having a strong desire to achieve something, usually accompanied by determination and hard work. It often carries a positive connotation, as it suggests a proactive and goal-oriented approach.

2. Demanding: This term signifies making specific requests or requirements and expecting them to be fulfilled. It can imply being assertive, but it may also have negative implications, suggesting a potentially excessive or unreasonable level of expectations or entitlement.

Given the context of the sentence, where the individual is advocating for fighting for their rights, the synonym that maintains a positive connotation is likely "ambitious." This is because "ambitious" aligns with the proactive and goal-oriented attitude implied by "fighting for our rights." So, based on the provided information, "ambitious" would be the more suitable choice of the two synonyms.