19. The _______ group is an agent of socialization even for young children.

A. tracking

B. ability

C. peer

D. kindergarten

My answer is D.

Nope. What about younger children?

The correct answer is C. peer.

To arrive at the correct answer, let's break down the question and analyze each option:

A. tracking: This doesn't relate directly to young children being agents of socialization. "Tracking" generally refers to the educational practice of grouping students based on their academic abilities.

B. ability: While abilities can influence socialization, this option doesn't specifically refer to a group that acts as an agent of socialization.

C. peer: This option is the correct answer. Peers, or individuals who are similar in age and social status, play a significant role in socialization, especially for young children. Interacting with peers helps children learn social skills, develop friendships, and form their perceptions of the world.

D. kindergarten: Kindergarten is an educational setting where young children begin their formal education. While kindergarten can provide socialization opportunities, it is not a specific group.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. peer.