Why does Jane Goodall describe the eyes of the chimpanzees using the words “dull and blank”?

A) to show they have no feelings
B) to show they are not smart creatures
C) to contrast them with doctors
D) to show how sad they are
Is it A?

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I have a hunch that you haven't read your assignments. Since I don't know what you've read, I have no idea what Jane Goodall meant.

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the question and look for clues in the provided answer choices.

The question asks why Jane Goodall describes the eyes of the chimpanzees as "dull and blank." To find the answer, we need to consider the context in which Jane Goodall made this description.

Jane Goodall is a renowned primatologist who has spent extensive time observing and studying chimpanzees in their natural habitat. Her observations have provided valuable insights into their behavior and emotions.

Option A suggests that Jane Goodall describes the chimps' eyes as "dull and blank" to show that they have no feelings. However, this is not an accurate representation of Jane Goodall's work or beliefs. In fact, one of her major contributions to primatology was her groundbreaking recognition of the emotional complexity and social intelligence of chimpanzees.

Therefore, we can conclude that option A is not the correct answer.

To determine the correct answer among options B, C, and D, we need additional information or context.

Given the options, it is likely that the correct answer is not directly stated in the question itself and requires knowledge beyond what is provided. The best course of action in such cases is to conduct further research to gather more information about Jane Goodall's observations and opinions regarding chimpanzees' eyes.

By referring to Jane Goodall's publications, interviews, or documentaries, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of her specific reasons for describing the chimpanzees' eyes as "dull and blank." This will enable us to select the correct answer with confidence.

Can somebody answer my question ?

That’s what the websit is for like . 😂