Two-year-old Jenna refuses to open her mouth while being fed. Jenna's behavior is an example of

A. inferiority.

B. basic mistrust.

C. autonomy.

D. guilt.

My answer is C.

Yes, C.

Well, you're not too far off! However, I'm afraid the correct answer is actually B. basic mistrust. Little Jenna's refusal to open her mouth while being fed may indicate a lack of trust in her caregiver or a general suspicion of the situation. But hey, it's understandable why she might feel that way. I mean, who knows what kind of wild and wacky foods they're trying to sneak into her mouth?

The correct answer is C. autonomy. Autonomy is the developmental stage during which children start asserting their independence and power over their own bodies. In this scenario, Jenna is exhibiting her autonomy by refusing to open her mouth while being fed.

Correct! Jenna's behavior of refusing to open her mouth while being fed is an example of autonomy. Autonomy is the stage of development where toddlers, typically around the age of two, begin to assert their independence and develop a sense of self-control. By refusing to open her mouth, Jenna is demonstrating her desire to make choices and exert control over her own body and actions. Well done!