Helen had $12but spent $3 of it what percent did sh spend


3/12 = 0.25

Multiply by 100.
0.25 * 100 = 25%

Helen spent a whopping 25% of her $12! Looks like she went on a mini shopping spree.

To find the percentage Helen spent, we can use the following formula:

Percentage spent = (Amount spent / Total amount) x 100

In this case, Helen spent $3 out of $12, so we can substitute the values into the formula:

Percentage spent = (3 / 12) x 100

Simplifying the equation, we get:

Percentage spent = 0.25 x 100

Percentage spent = 25%

Therefore, Helen spent 25% of her $12.

To find the percentage that Helen spent, you need to divide the amount she spent by the amount she had initially, and then multiply by 100.

In this case, Helen had $12 and spent $3, so you would divide $3 by $12 and multiply by 100:

(3 / 12) * 100 = 25

Hence, Helen spent 25% of her initial amount.