
X^2y + x^2 -4xy- 16

x^2y + x^2 -4xy- 16

= xy(x-4) + x^2-16
= xy(x-4) + (x+4)(x-4)
= (xy+x+4)(x-4)

To factorize the expression x^2y + x^2 - 4xy - 16, we can group the terms in pairs:

x^2y + x^2 - 4xy - 16

Group the first two terms and the last two terms:

(x^2y + x^2) - (4xy + 16)

Now, let's factor out the common terms from each group:

x^2(y + 1) - 4x(y + 4)

Simplify further:

x(x(y + 1) - 4(y + 4))

Now, let's distribute the x to each term inside the parentheses:

x(y^2 + y - 4y - 16)

Finally, combine like terms:

x(y^2 - 3y - 16)

So, the factored form of the expression x^2y + x^2 - 4xy - 16 is x(y^2 - 3y - 16).

To factorize the expression x^2y + x^2 - 4xy - 16, we can look for common factors among the terms.

Let's group the terms and factor them separately:

(x^2y + x^2) - (4xy + 16)

Now, let's factor out the common terms from each group:

x^2(y + 1) - 4x(y + 4)

Next, we can factor out the common factor, (y + 1):

(y + 1)(x^2 - 4x)

Finally, we can factor the quadratic expression, x^2 - 4x, by finding two numbers that multiply to -4 and add up to -4. The numbers are -2 and -2. So, we can rewrite the expression as:

(y + 1)(x - 2)(x - 2)

Therefore, the fully factorized expression is (y + 1)(x - 2)^2.