-12 ÷ 3 • (-8 + (-4)^ -6) + 2


-12 ÷ 3 • (-8 + (-4)^ -6) + 2
= -12 ÷ 3 • (-8 + 1/4096) + 2
= -12 ÷ 3 • (-32767/4096) + 2
= -4 • (-32767/4096) + 2
= 32767/1024 + 2
= 34815/1024
Somehow I don't think that's what you meant.
^ does not automatically mean "squared"
Also, online, we usually use * for multiplication
Maybe you meant
-12 ÷ 3 * (-8 + (-4)^2 -6) + 2
= -12 ÷ 3 * (-8 +16 -6) + 2
= -12 ÷ 3 * (2) + 2
= -4*2 + 2
= -8 + 2
= -6

-12 ÷ 3 • (-8 + (-4)^ -6) + 2

= -4 * (-8 + 1/(-4)^6) + 2
= -4 * (-8 + 1/4096) + 2
= -4* (-3267/4096) + 2
= 3276/1024 + 2
= 34815/1024


To solve this expression, we will follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction).

First, let's simplify the expression within the parentheses: (-4)^-6. This means raising -4 to the power of -6. To evaluate negative exponents, we can use the rule: a^(-n) = 1 / a^n. Applying this rule, we get 1 / (-4)^6.

Using the power rule of exponents, we find that (-4)^6 = 4^6 = 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 = 2,56. Therefore, (-4)^-6 can be simplified to 1 / 2,56.

Now, let's compute the expression within the parentheses: (-8 + 1 / 2,56). To combine these two terms, we need to get a common denominator. Multiplying the numerator and denominator of 1/2,56 by 100, we get 100 / 256.

(-8 + 100 / 256) can be simplified further by finding a common denominator. Multiplying -8 by 256/256, we get (-8 * 256 / 256) + (100 / 256) = -2048 / 256 + 100 / 256 = (-2048 + 100) / 256.

This simplifies to -1948 / 256.

Now, let's continue with the rest of the expression: -12 ÷ 3 • (-1948 / 256) + 2.

Here, we have division and multiplication. Remember that division and multiplication should be done from left to right. So, let's divide -12 by 3 first: -12 ÷ 3 = -4.

Substituting this result back into the expression, we get: -4 • (-1948 / 256) + 2.

Now, let's multiply -4 by -1948/256: (-4) • (-1948 / 256) = 7752 / 256.

Finally, we add 2 to this result: 7752 / 256 + 2.

To simplify this expression further, we need to find a common denominator. Multiplying 2 by 256/256, we get (2 * 256 / 256) + (7752 / 256) = 512 / 256 + 7752 / 256 = (512 + 7752) / 256.

Adding the numerators and keeping the denominator the same, we get 8264 / 256.

This is the final simplified result of the expression -12 ÷ 3 • (-8 + (-4)^-6) + 2, which is 8264/256.