Mia is 3 years older than Belle, and Deborah is 5 years older than Mia. The sum of their ages is 47. How old is Belle?

m + b + d = 47

m = b + 3 ... d = m + 5 = b + 8

substituting ... b + 3 + b + b + 8 = 47

solve for b

Mia is 3 years older than Belle, and Deborah is 5 years older than Mia. The sum of their ages is 47. How old is Belle?

Let's represent Belle's age as 'x'.

Mia is 3 years older than Belle, so Mia's age is 'x + 3'.

Deborah is 5 years older than Mia, so Deborah's age is 'x + 3 + 5', which is 'x + 8'.

The sum of their ages is 47, so we can write the equation as:

x + (x + 3) + (x + 8) = 47

Simplifying the equation:

3x + 11 = 47

Subtracting 11 from both sides:

3x = 36

Dividing by 3:

x = 12

Therefore, Belle is 12 years old.

To find out how old Belle is, let's break down the information given:

1. Mia is 3 years older than Belle: Mia = Belle + 3
2. Deborah is 5 years older than Mia: Deborah = Mia + 5

We know that the sum of their ages is 47, so we can express it as an equation:

Belle + Mia + Deborah = 47

Now let's substitute the expressions for Mia and Deborah using the information above:

Belle + (Belle + 3) + ((Belle + 3) + 5) = 47

Simplifying the equation:

Belle + Belle + 3 + Belle + 3 + 5 = 47
3Belle + 11 = 47

Subtracting 11 from both sides:

3Belle = 36

Finally, divide both sides by 3:

Belle = 12

Therefore, Belle is 12 years old.