Which identifies the impact of the Triangle Shirtwaist fire on labor conditions?

1) Fewer locations were available to produce garments.
2) Better building safety codes and other worker protections were adopted.
3) Fire companies were subjected to regulation under municipal codes.
4) Textile employees unionized and fought for better labor conditions.

I belevie the answer is either 2 or 4 but In my reading there was no mention of saftey codes or worker protections being adopted,so I am unsure of 2.

anybody know the answer

To determine the impact of the Triangle Shirtwaist fire on labor conditions, let's analyze the answer choices and eliminate any options based on your understanding.

1) Fewer locations were available to produce garments.
The Triangle Shirtwaist fire did not directly result in fewer locations for garment production. This answer choice does not align with the impact of the fire on labor conditions.

2) Better building safety codes and other worker protections were adopted.
As you mentioned, if your reading didn't mention the adoption of safety codes or worker protections, it's unlikely that this option is correct.

3) Fire companies were subjected to regulation under municipal codes.
This option refers to the regulation of fire companies, which is not directly related to the impact of the Triangle Shirtwaist fire on labor conditions. Therefore, we can eliminate it.

4) Textile employees unionized and fought for better labor conditions.
This option suggests that textile employees formed unions after the fire and fought for improved labor conditions. Unionizing and fighting for better labor conditions aligns with the impact of the Triangle Shirtwaist fire on the workforce.

Based on this evaluation, it seems that option 4, "Textile employees unionized and fought for better labor conditions," is the most appropriate answer. The fire heightened awareness of poor labor conditions and led to increased efforts by workers to advocate for their rights.
