Tammy bought a bag of bite-sized candies. A serving of 4 pieces of candy is 165 calories.

Part 1

Which equation represents the number of calories, c, in x pieces of candy?
A. c=4/165x
B. c=165/4x
C. c=165x+4
D. c=4x+165

Part 2
How many pieces of candy are in the bag if the entire bag has 1,485 calories? Use only the digits 0 – 9 to enter the number.

I think its
Part1: B

Part 1, B is right.

Part 2 - your answer is wrong

Each piece of candy contains 41.25 calories.

Part 1 is B

Part 2 is 36

Part 1:

To find the equation that represents the number of calories, c, in x pieces of candy, we can start by understanding that each serving of 4 pieces of candy contains 165 calories.

So, we need to find an equation that relates the number of pieces of candy (x) to the number of calories (c). We can set up a proportion:

4 pieces of candy / 165 calories = x pieces of candy / c calories

Now, we can cross-multiply to solve for c:

4c = 165x

To isolate c, we divide both sides of the equation by 4:

c = 165/4x

Therefore, the correct equation that represents the number of calories, c, in x pieces of candy is:

A. c = 165/4x

Part 2:

The question asks how many pieces of candy are in the bag if the entire bag has 1,485 calories. We can use the equation from Part 1 to solve this.

We know that c = 1,485 calories and we want to find x, the number of pieces of candy.

Plugging in the values, the equation becomes:

1,485 = 165/4x

To solve for x, we need to isolate it.

Multiply both sides of the equation by 4 to get rid of the fraction:

4 * 1,485 = 165x

5,940 = 165x

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 165:

5,940/165 = x

Simplifying the division gives us:

x = 36

Therefore, there are 36 pieces of candy in the bag.

It seems like your answer of 65256.25 for Part 2 is incorrect. Please double-check your calculations.