what did native americans have to deal with?

They had to deal with everything that the rest of us deal with -- food, shelter, clothing, child care, elderly care, etc. They also had to deal with hostile whites.

what are the whites

Various natives in what we now call the US had to deal with other native tribes/nations as well as European immigrants after different European explorers and others discovered this whole continent!


Ms. Sue meant the Europeans (invaders, if you think about it) as the whites.

Native Americans had to deal with a wide range of challenges and issues throughout history. Some of the major challenges include:

1. Colonialism: Native Americans faced the arrival of European explorers and settlers, which led to displacement from their ancestral lands and the loss of their cultural practices.

2. Forced Relocation and Removal: Native American tribes were often forced to relocate from their traditional lands through treaties, agreements, and government policies. The Indian Removal Act of 1830 in the United States is a notable example of such forced migrations.

3. Loss of Land and Resources: The encroachment of European settlers led to the loss of Native American lands and resources, including hunting grounds, forests, and rivers. This had a significant impact on their way of life and economic sustainability.

4. Disease and Epidemics: Native Americans were particularly vulnerable to diseases brought by European settlers, as they had no immunity to illnesses such as smallpox, measles, and influenza. These epidemics decimated many Native American communities.

5. Discrimination and Racism: Native Americans faced widespread discrimination and racism which still persists today. They endured cultural assimilation efforts, such as boarding schools that aimed to erase their identities and traditions.

6. Treaty Violations: Many treaties and agreements between Native American tribes and governments were violated, leading to further loss of land, resources, and cultural heritage.

7. Legal Challenges: Native Americans have had to navigate complex legal battles to protect their rights, including issues related to sovereignty, religious freedom, and cultural heritage.

Understanding the challenges faced by Native Americans requires studying their history, cultural context, and listening to the diverse voices within Native American communities. It is important to recognize and address these historical and ongoing challenges to promote justice and equality for Native Americans.