2 READ score
4 DATA 60
6 IF score <= 49 THEN
8 PRINT "you have failed"
10 ELAE IF score >= 50 AND score<=59 THEN
12 PRINT " you have C"
14 ELSE IF score >=60 and score <=69 THEN
16 PRINT "you have B"
20 PRINT " you have A"
22 end

well, you misspelled ELSE twice

and, only statement 14 takes effect, since 60 >= 60

again, just run your program to find errors and see results.

pls any website to run this online, i had problem with my system

To determine the output of the given segment program, let's go through each line step by step:

1. READ score
- This line prompts the user to enter the value for the variable `score`.

2. DATA 60
- This line stores the value `60` in the data memory.

3. IF score <= 49 THEN
- This line checks if the value of `score` is less than or equal to `49`.

4. PRINT "you have failed"
- If the condition in line 3 is true, this line will be executed and it will print "you have failed".

5. ELIF score >= 50 AND score<=59 THEN
- If the condition in line 3 is false, this line checks if the value of `score` is between `50` and `59` (both inclusive).

6. PRINT " you have C"
- If the condition in line 5 is true, this line will be executed and it will print "you have C".

7. ELSEIF score >=60 and score <=69 THEN
- If the conditions in lines 3 and 5 are false, this line checks if the value of `score` is between `60` and `69` (both inclusive).

8. PRINT "you have B"
- If the condition in line 7 is true, this line will be executed and it will print "you have B".

- If none of the previously mentioned conditions are true, this line will be executed.

10. PRINT " you have A"
- If line 9 is executed, this line will print "you have A".

11. END
- This statement marks the end of the program.

Based on the program logic, if the user enters a value for `score`, the output will depend on the value entered. For example:
- If the entered value is `40`, the output will be "you have failed".
- If the entered value is `55`, the output will be "you have C".
- If the entered value is `65`, the output will be "you have B".
- If the entered value is `75`, the output will be "you have A".

Note: The program assumes that the user will enter a numeric value for `score`.