Some writers argue that planning messages wastes time because they inevitably change their plans as they go along. How would you respond to this argument?

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To respond to the argument that planning messages wastes time because plans inevitably change, it is important to consider both sides of the debate. While it is true that plans may need to be adjusted as circumstances change, planning is still crucial in effective communication. Here are a few points to consider when responding to this argument:

1. Clear Direction: Planning provides a roadmap for your message. It helps you gather your thoughts, organize your ideas, and establish a clear direction. Without a plan, you may end up rambling or losing focus, which can confuse your readers or listeners.

2. Coherent Structure: Planning allows you to structure your message in a logical and organized manner. It helps you identify the main points, supporting details, and transitions required for a coherent and well-flowing message. Without a plan, your message might be disorganized, disjointed, and harder to comprehend.

3. Time Efficiency: While it's true that plans can change, having a well-thought-out plan increases your efficiency overall. When you have a solid plan, you can save time by avoiding unnecessary revisions, rework, or confusion during the creation process. Planning also helps you manage your time effectively, ensuring that you allocate the appropriate amount of time to each section or point.

4. Audience Adaptation: Planning allows you to consider your audience's needs, interests, and preferences. With a plan, you can tailor your message to meet their specific requirements, making it more relevant and engaging for them. Adapting your message based on your audience's characteristics is essential for effective communication.

5. Clarity and Accuracy: Planning helps you think through your ideas and ensure that they are expressed clearly and accurately. By taking the time to plan, you can identify any gaps in your knowledge, conduct additional research, or clarify any vague areas. This enhances the quality of your message and minimizes the chances of confusion or misinterpretation.

While plans may require adjustments along the way, the benefits of planning outweigh the potential drawbacks. Instead of viewing planning as a rigid, unchangeable process, it should be seen as a flexible tool that guides and enhances your communication.

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