After allowing a discount of 9% on an article, a seller collected the sum of $1865.50. Find the amount of commission paid and the total sales?

how do you figure the commission?

To find the amount of commission paid and the total sales, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Let's assume the original price of the article is x dollars.
Step 2: Since a discount of 9% was allowed, the selling price of the article would be (100% - 9%) = 91% of the original price.
Selling price = 91% of x dollars = (91/100) * x dollars.
Step 3: We're given that the seller collected $1865.50, which is the selling price of the article after the discount.
So, (91/100) * x = $1865.50.
Step 4: Multiply both sides of the equation by (100/91) to isolate x.
(100/91) * (91/100) * x = (100/91) * $1865.50.
x = ($1865.50 * 100) / 91.
Step 5: Calculate the value of x.
x = $2049.45 (rounded to two decimal places).

Now, we can find the amount of commission paid and the total sales.

Step 6: The amount of commission paid can be calculated by subtracting the selling price (after discount) from the original price of the article.
Commission = Original price - Selling price.
Commission = $2049.45 - $1865.50.
Commission = $183.95.

Step 7: The total sales can be calculated by multiplying the selling price (after discount) by the number of articles sold.
Total sales = Selling price * Number of articles.
Since we don't have the number of articles sold, we can't calculate the total sales.

Therefore, the amount of commission paid is $183.95, but the total sales cannot be determined without the number of articles sold.

To find the amount of commission paid and the total sales, we can use the fact that the selling price after the discount is given as $1865.50.

Let's assume that the original price of the article before the discount was $x.

After allowing a discount of 9%, the selling price would be: x - (9% of x).

So, the selling price after the discount is: x - 0.09x = 0.91x.

According to the question, the selling price after the discount is $1865.50. Therefore, we can equate this to 0.91x and solve for x:

0.91x = 1865.50

Dividing both sides by 0.91:

x = 1865.50 / 0.91

Calculating this value gives us:

x ≈ 2047.25

So, the original price of the article before the discount was approximately $2047.25.

Now, to find the amount of commission paid, we need to subtract the selling price after the discount from the original price:

Commission = Original price - Selling price after discount
= $2047.25 - $1865.50
= $181.75

Therefore, the amount of commission paid is $181.75.

To find the total sales, we need to multiply the selling price after the discount by the number of articles sold. However, the question does not provide the number of articles sold, so we cannot determine the total sales without this information.