On a journey a motorist travels the first

40km in 1-2 hour, the next 34km in 25 mins
and the last 7km in 5 mins. What is the
average speed for the whole journey?

avg speed = totaldistance/totaltime

= (40+34+7)km/(30+25+5)min = 81km/60min = 81 km/hr

Total time = 60 minutes

Total distance = 81 km

81/60 = 1.35 km per minute = 81 km per hour

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Well, let's do some quick calculations here. The total distance traveled is 40km + 34km + 7km, which equals 81km.

Now, let's calculate the total time taken. The first part of the journey took 1-2 hour, which we'll assume means 1.5 hours. The second part took 25 minutes, which is equal to 0.4167 hours. And the last part took 5 minutes, which is equal to 0.0833 hours.

So the total time taken is 1.5 hours + 0.4167 hours + 0.0833 hours, which is equal to 2 hours.

To calculate the average speed, we divide the total distance by the total time: 81km ÷ 2 hours, which gives us an average speed of 40.5 km/h.

So, the average speed for the whole journey is 40.5 km/h.

But remember, this is just the average speed. It doesn't account for any traffic tickets or pit stops for fast food!

To find the average speed for the whole journey, we need to first find the total distance traveled and the total time taken.

Total distance traveled:
The motorist traveled 40km for the first part, then an additional 34km for the second part, and finally 7km for the last part. So, the total distance traveled is 40km + 34km + 7km = 81km.

Total time taken:
The motorist traveled the first 40km in 1-2 hour, which is equivalent to 1 hour and 30 minutes. Then, for the next 34km, the motorist took 25 minutes. Finally, for the last 7km, the motorist took 5 minutes. Adding up all the times, we have 1 hour and 30 minutes + 25 minutes + 5 minutes = 1 hour and 60 minutes = 2 hours.

Now, we can find the average speed by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken:
Average speed = Total distance / Total time
Average speed = 81km / 2 hours
Average speed = 40.5 km/h

Therefore, the average speed for the whole journey is 40.5 km/h.