What was the domino theory?

the theory that if South Vietnam became Communist, Communism would spread throughout the rest of Southeast Asia
the opinion that war is just a game played between nations, but that it becomes horribly real to those taking part in it
the view that fighting in Southeast Asia was inevitable for the United States because the war was destined to happen
the belief that domination of Southeast Asia was a critical factor for the Western world to expand socialism

Yes, A.

The correct answer is:

The theory that if South Vietnam became Communist, Communism would spread throughout the rest of Southeast Asia.

The correct answer is the first option: "the theory that if South Vietnam became Communist, Communism would spread throughout the rest of Southeast Asia."

To arrive at this answer, you can use deductive reasoning and historical knowledge. The domino theory was a concept popularized during the Cold War era in the mid-20th century. It was frequently discussed in relation to the Vietnam War.

In this case, you can eliminate options B, C, and D because they do not accurately describe the domino theory. Option B refers to the notion of war as a game, which is unrelated. Option C suggests that the United States had no choice but to get involved in the war, which isn't specifically related to the spread of communism. Option D mentions expansion of socialism, which is not the primary concern of the domino theory.

Option A, "the theory that if South Vietnam became Communist, Communism would spread throughout the rest of Southeast Asia," aligns with the widely accepted definition and explanation of the domino theory.