Convert the rectangular coordinates into polar coordinates (-5,-5sqrt3)

Point C has rectangular coordinates (-12,5). Convert this to polar coordinates

To convert rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates, you can use the following formulas:

r = √(x^2 + y^2)
θ = arctan(y / x)

Given the rectangular coordinates (-5, -5√3), we can find the polar coordinates using these formulas.

1. Calculate r:
r = √((-5)^2 + (-5√3)^2)
= √(25 + 75)
= √100
= 10

2. Calculate θ:
θ = arctan((-5√3) / (-5))
= arctan(√3)
≈ 60°

So, the polar coordinates corresponding to the rectangular coordinates (-5, -5√3) are (10, 60°).

r^2 = (-5)^2 + (-5√3)^2

= 25 + 75 = 100
r = 10
tanØ = -5√3/-5 = √3
Ø = 60°

so what do you think?