The total length of the walking path is 8x+xy+6y. Find missing side length. Other side lengths are:

I know to subtract but I think I’m still doing it wrong. I got two different answers. I got x-xy+y and I got x+3xy+11y. I’m not sure where my mistake is . Please help

the sum of the three given sides is ... 7x + 2xy + 5y

subtract from the total length to find the missing side

your 1st answer seems correct
... how did you get the 2nd one?

To find the missing side length, you need to subtract the sum of the given side lengths from the total length of the walking path.

Given side lengths:
1) 2x - xy + 3y
2) 3x - 2xy + 3y
3) 2x + 5xy - y

Total length of the walking path: 8x + xy + 6y

To find the missing side length, subtract the sum of the given side lengths from the total length:
Missing side length = Total length - (Given Side 1 + Given Side 2 + Given Side 3)

Missing side length = (8x + xy + 6y) - (2x - xy + 3y + 3x - 2xy + 3y + 2x + 5xy - y)

Simplify the equation by grouping like terms together:
Missing side length = 8x + xy + 6y - 2x + xy - 3y - 3x + 2xy - 3y - 2x - 5xy + y

Combine similar terms:
Missing side length = (8x - 2x - 3x - 2x) + (xy + xy + 2xy - 5xy) + (6y - 3y - 3y + y)

Simplify further:
Missing side length = 1x + (6xy - 5xy) + (6y - 6y + y)

Simplify the remaining terms:
Missing side length = x + xy + y

So the correct answer for the missing side length is x + xy + y.

It seems like you made a mistake in your calculations and combined some terms incorrectly. Make sure to group like terms together and perform the operations accurately.