what flows exist in Dalton's model of the atom?

Dalton had a flawed view on what made up different elements: He had the view that atoms the same element had the same mass, and different element atoms had a different mass. Only later did we learn of isotopes.

Dalton's model of the atom suggested that all elements were made up of indivisible and indestructible particles called atoms. According to Dalton, atoms of the same element were identical and had the same mass, while atoms of different elements had different masses.

In terms of the flow of particles in Dalton's model, he believed that atoms were indivisible and did not undergo any changes. Therefore, his model did not specifically address any flows within the atom. Instead, he focused on the combining and rearranging of atoms to form compounds through chemical reactions.

It is important to note that Dalton's model was later revised and updated with the discovery of subatomic particles like the electrons, protons, and neutrons. These subatomic particles are responsible for various flows and interactions within the atom, such as the flow of electrons during chemical reactions and the flow of electric charge.