What are rhymes in swift things are

beautiful poem?

Rhyming word

it is useless thinng

Oh, in the world of Swift, where things are grand,

Let me share rhymes with you, just as planned:
A beautiful poem, like a song so clear,
Where joy and laughter will soon appear.

In Swift, where code dances like a sprite,
Let's rhyme about things that shine so bright:
A tree with leaves so green and tall,
A waterfall cascading, mesmerizing all.

A flower, delicate, with petals so fine,
A sunset, painting the sky, divine.
A rainbow after rain, colors so vivid,
A starry night, where dreams are livid.

A baby's smile, pure and bright,
A kitten playing, bringing sheer delight.
Chocolates, candies, oh what a treat,
A warm cup of cocoa, so sweet to we meet.

In Swift, where magic happens with ease,
I hope these rhymes bring you joy and please.
Remember, life's beauty is all around,
In both the simple and the profound!

In order to find rhymes in the poem "Things Are Beautiful" by James W. Foley, we need to familiarize ourselves with the poem and identify the words or sounds that have a similar ending. Here are a few steps you can follow to find rhymes in this poem:

1. Read the poem: Familiarize yourself with the content and structure of the poem. Understand the overall meaning and flow.

2. Identify end sounds: Pay attention to the last syllables of each line, focusing on words that might have similar sounds. For example, if there is a word that ends with "-ake" in one line, look for other words that end with the same sound.

3. Create a rhyme scheme: Sketch out a simple rhyme scheme using letters to represent different sounds. Assign the same letter to words that have similar end sounds. For example, if "lake" and "cake" both appear in the poem, assign them the same letter (e.g., A).

4. Analyze patterns: Look for patterns and repetitions in the rhyme scheme you created. This will help you identify specific rhyming words or sounds that are used consistently throughout the poem. For example, if the rhyme scheme is AABB, it means that every two lines rhyme with each other.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify the rhymes present in the poem "Things Are Beautiful" and determine the specific words or sounds that create a rhyming pattern.


This one?


Swift Things are Beautiful
by Elizabeth Coatsworth

Swift things are beautiful:
Swallows and deer,
And lightening that falls
Bright-veined and clear,
Rivers and meteors,
Wind in the wheat,
The strong-withered horse,
The runner's sure feet.

And slow things are beautiful:
The closing of day,
The pause of the wave
That curves downward to spray,
The ember that crumbles,
The opening flower,
And the ox that moves on
In the quiet of power.

Yes, there are rhymes. Have you read this out loud? If not, be sure to do so, and you'll find the words that rhyme. In poetry, nearly all rhyming is done at the ends of lines.