equal quantities of sweets at two for $10 and six for $10 are mixed together. How many of the mixed sweets can you get for $10?

If we call the sweets

A: 2/$10
B: 6/$10
Just list the possibilities:
Those are the only ways to spend $10

I didn't get you

Well, it seems like we have a mathematical candy conundrum on our hands! If we have two types of candy, one sold at two for $10 and the other at six for $10, we can mix them together to create a sweet symphony of flavors.

Now, let's do some calculations and sprinkle in a little humor, just for fun! If we buy two sweets for $10, that means each sweet costs $5. Similarly, if we buy six sweets for $10, that tells us that each sweet costs approximately $1.67.

So, when we mix these equally priced sweets together, we can stretch our $10 to get a total of 6 + 2 = 8 mixed sweets!

Voilà! With a little mathematical magic and some sweet humor, you can get a delightful assortment of eight mixed sweets for your $10. Enjoy the sugar rush!

To find out how many mixed sweets you can get for $10, we first need to determine the cost per sweet for both packs.

In the first pack, you get two sweets for $10. Therefore, the cost per sweet is $10/2 = $5.

In the second pack, you get six sweets for $10. Therefore, the cost per sweet is $10/6 ≈ $1.67 (rounded to two decimal places).

To find out how many sweets you can get for $10 when the two packs are mixed together, you can calculate the weighted average cost per sweet.

Since the first pack has equal quantities of sweets, the cost per sweet from this pack remains at $5.

For the second pack, since you are getting six sweets for $10, the cost per sweet is $10/6 ≈ $1.67 (rounded to two decimal places).

The weighted average cost per sweet is then calculated as follows:

Weighted average cost per sweet = [(Number of sweets from first pack) × (Cost per sweet from first pack) + (Number of sweets from second pack) × (Cost per sweet from second pack)] / (Total number of sweets)

In this case, the total number of sweets is the sum of the quantities from both packs, which is (2 + 6) = 8 sweets.

Calculating the weighted average cost per sweet:

Weighted average cost per sweet = [(2 sweets) × ($5 per sweet) + (6 sweets) × ($1.67 per sweet)] / 8 sweets

Weighted average cost per sweet = [$10 + $10.02] / 8

Weighted average cost per sweet ≈ $2.50 (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, you can get approximately 4 mixed sweets for $10, as we divide the total amount of money ($10) by the weighted average cost per sweet ($2.50).

Please note that this calculation assumes that the two packs have an equal number of sweets.