To encourage positive self-esteem, you should

A. encourage competition between boys and girls
B. persuade all students to be the best they can be.
C. provide opportunities for success.
D. compare children to one another.

Ipick B. but I am not sure because C looks like it could be it to.

I agree with you that the answer is B.


you are welcome !!!

C is the better answer.

okay thanks

You're welcome.


To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options and analyze them:

A. Encourage competition between boys and girls: This option suggests that promoting competition between genders is a way to foster positive self-esteem. However, competition can sometimes have negative effects on self-esteem, especially if it breeds feelings of inadequacy or failure in individuals. It is generally advised to avoid encouraging competition as the main way to boost self-esteem.

B. Persuade all students to be the best they can be: This option suggests promoting self-improvement and encouraging individuals to reach their full potential. Encouraging students to do their best and achieve personal growth can indeed contribute to positive self-esteem. By focusing on personal growth rather than comparison to others, this approach can help individuals build confidence and a positive self-image.

C. Provide opportunities for success: This option suggests that creating opportunities for individuals to succeed can boost self-esteem. Offering chances for achievement and recognizing individuals' accomplishments can significantly contribute to positive self-esteem. By providing supportive environments and opportunities to showcase strengths and talents, individuals are more likely to develop a positive sense of self-worth.

D. Compare children to one another: This option suggests that comparing children to their peers can foster positive self-esteem. However, comparing individuals to others can often lead to feelings of insecurity or inferiority, potentially damaging self-esteem rather than promoting it. It is generally advised to focus on individual growth and not use comparison as a primary tool for boosting self-esteem.

Considering these points, option B, "persuade all students to be the best they can be," seems to be the most suitable choice. By emphasizing personal growth and encouraging individuals to strive for their own potential, we can foster positive self-esteem. Option C, "provide opportunities for success," is also a valid approach, as it complements the idea of supporting individuals in achieving their goals. Both options B and C highlight the importance of individual development and recognizing accomplishments, leading to positive self-esteem.