Roger gets $40 per day as wages and $4.50 as commission for every pair of shoes he sells in a day. His daily earnings goal is $112.

Write an equation to determine how many pairs of shoes, p, Roger must sell in a day to meet his daily earnings goal.

How do I write an equation for this?

amount form commission = 4.5p

amount from basic pa = 40

4.5p + 40 = 112

solve following the usual steps

To write an equation for this, we need to consider Roger's daily earnings, which consist of his wages and commission from selling pairs of shoes.

Let's break down the information given:
- Roger's daily wage is $40.
- Roger earns $4.50 as commission for each pair of shoes he sells.
- His daily earnings goal is $112.

To find the equation, we can combine Roger's daily wage with the commission he receives for selling pairs of shoes and set it equal to his daily earning goal:

$40 + ($4.50 × p) = $112

Here, "p" represents the number of pairs of shoes Roger needs to sell in order to meet his daily earnings goal. By multiplying the number of pairs of shoes sold (p) by the commission earned per pair ($4.50), we can find out how much additional income Roger receives from selling shoes. Adding this to his daily wage ($40) should equal his daily earnings goal, which is $112.