Which statement most correctly describes the treatment of African Americans during the Vietnam War?

African American soldiers were often promoted to leadership positions due to the vigorous fighting spirit of their segregated units.
African American soldiers were never placed in combat situations and typically found themselves serving in janitorial or kitchen work.
African American soldiers typically received combat assignments and rarely received training that promoted their military career.
African American soldiers were eliminated from being called on during the draft and did not have to serve during the Vietnam War.
Is it C?

Sue, maybe try not being rude to students.

I cannot refer back to my text... I know that African Americans were drafted in large numbers and it was an issue to many but my notes don't mention the treatment of them while at war. Is it B?

It is C, the materials say "African American soldiers typically received combat assignments and rarely received training that promoted their military career." You typically can't refer back to them in these kinds of tests.

To determine which statement most accurately describes the treatment of African Americans during the Vietnam War, we need to consider historical evidence. In this case, it's important to consult reputable sources such as history textbooks, scholarly articles, or firsthand accounts to get a complete understanding.

I disagree.

What does your reading assignment say?

No, it is not B.

Why can't you refer back to your assignment?

I've checked two of your guesses. Now you're on your own. Please do not post this question again.