How was commerce changed in North America during the Clinton administration?

NAFTA allowed for the free movement of citizens of all three countries throughout North America.
NAFTA created incentives for North American businesses to move overseas due to the restrictions on the movement of goods.
NAFTA provided for easier transportation and lower tariffs of goods and services throughout North America.
NAFTA established higher employment rates in the United States and reduced the cost of goods throughout North America.


Yes, C.



The correct answer is C: NAFTA provided for easier transportation and lower tariffs of goods and services throughout North America.

During the Clinton administration, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was implemented, which had a significant impact on commerce in North America. NAFTA aimed to promote free trade and economic integration between the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

One of the key changes brought about by NAFTA was the facilitation of easier transportation and lower tariffs on goods and services within North America. This meant that businesses in these countries could trade more easily with one another, leading to increased economic cooperation and growth.

To find the answer to this question, you would need to research the policies and effects of NAFTA during the Clinton administration. Examining official government documents, scholarly articles, or reputable news sources would provide reliable information about how NAFTA changed commerce in North America.