What was the impact of the Second Great Migration?

It created a safe way for people to migrate throughout the United States.
It brought racism to national attention.
It promoted the creation of the United States Census Bureau.
It spread Mexican American culture throughout the United States.

Yes, B.

B is the correct answer. The impact of the Second Great Migration was that it brought racism to national attention. The Second Great Migration refers to the movement of African Americans from the southern United States to the northern and western states between the 1940s and 1970s. This migration was driven by factors such as the desire to escape racial discrimination, find better economic opportunities, and seek better living conditions. As African Americans moved to different parts of the country, they faced new forms of racism and discrimination, which brought the issue of racial inequality to the forefront of national attention. This migration and the resulting racial tensions played a significant role in the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s.

The impact of the Second Great Migration was that it brought racism to national attention. To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the options provided and identify which one aligns with the historical context and consequences of the Second Great Migration.

The Second Great Migration occurred from the 1940s to the 1970s and involved the movement of millions of African Americans from the Southern states to the Northern and Western states in search of better opportunities and to escape racial discrimination and oppression. This mass movement was driven by a desire for economic opportunities, improved living conditions, and political and social freedom.

Option B states that it brought racism to national attention. This option aligns with the historical context, as the Second Great Migration was heavily influenced by the systemic racism prevalent in the Southern states. African Americans faced significant racial discrimination, segregation, and limited economic and educational opportunities in the South. The migration highlighted these issues on a national scale and brought attention to the consequences of racism across the country.

Therefore, option B is the correct answer because it accurately reflects the impact of the Second Great Migration.