Use lines 1-8 of the King Arthur’s Knights excerpt to decide what type of constructed response the following question requires.

What was the real reason King Mark wanted to make La Belle his bride?

Open Excerpt

Now King Mark said all this by reason of his craft and treachery. He had heard how Sir Tristram had been full of the praises of La Belle Isoude, while yet, as he had learned, Sir Tristram had not promised himself in love to her. By his crafty speech King Mark had hoped to make Sir Tristram
promise to go to Ireland to obtain her, not for himself, but for King Mark. So, therefore, if the king married La Belle Isoude, this would cause some grief and hurt to Sir Tristram. But King Mark cared not overmuch whether he wedded La Belle Isoude or not. He believed that Sir Tristram would of a surety be slain by the kin of Sir Marhaus in Ireland, and, if so, King Mark's plot would succeed to the full.

A. knowledge or comprehension – right there question

B. analysis or synthesis – author and me question

C. application – think and search question

D. evaluation – on my own question

Is the answer D?

its either a or c

pretty sure its a tho

No, the answer is not D. Based on the given excerpt, the type of constructed response that the question requires is C. application – think and search question.

This is because the question asks for the "real reason" King Mark wanted to make La Belle his bride, and to answer it, one would need to think and analyze the information provided in the excerpt. The answer cannot be directly found in the given lines but would require using the information provided to make an inference or draw a conclusion about King Mark's motives.