An element X with electronic configuration 2,8,2 ionises to a configuration of 2,8 when it combines with another element Y of configuration 2,8,7?

(i) state the type of bonding formed between the two elements.
(ii) write a simple ionic equation to represent the ionization of X.
(iii) How many atom/atoms of Y are needed for the comibnation?
(iv) Which of the two atoms has the higher electronegativity.
(v) Name one element that X could combine with in a / to / ratio.

An element X with electronic configuration 2,8,2 ionises to a configuration of 2,8 when it combines with another element Y of configuration 2,8,7?

(i) state the type of bonding formed between the two elements.
(ii) write a simple ionic equation to represent the ionization of X.
(iii) How many atom/atoms of Y are needed for the combination?
(iv) Which of the two atoms has the higher electronegativity.
(v) Name one element that X could combine with in a / to / ratio.
(i) ionic
(ii) X --> X^2+ + 2e
(iii) Y + e ==> Y^- so two atoms of Y are needed to combine with 1 atom X.
(iv) Probably X is Mg. Probably Y is Cl. Cl could combine in a 1:2 ratio to form MgCl2

I need brief explanation

state the types of bonding formed between the two element

(i) To determine the type of bonding formed between element X and element Y, we need to consider their electronic configurations. X has two valence electrons available for bonding, while Y has seven valence electrons available. Since X loses two valence electrons and Y gains two electrons, we can conclude that ionic bonding is formed between X and Y.

(ii) To write a simple ionic equation representing the ionization of X, we need to show the formation of a cation and an anion. X ionizes by losing two valence electrons, forming a 2+ cation, often denoted as X2+. The ionic equation can be written as:
X → X^2+ + 2e^-

(iii) To determine the number of atoms of Y needed for the combination, we need to balance the charges. Since X forms a 2+ cation and loses two electrons, Y needs to gain two electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. This means that two atoms of Y are needed to combine with one atom of X.

(iv) Electronegativity is the ability of an atom to attract electrons towards itself in a chemical bond. Generally, electronegativity increases across a period from left to right on the periodic table. In this case, both X and Y belong to the same period. Since Y has more valence electrons than X, it is closer to achieving a stable electron configuration. Therefore, Y is likely to have higher electronegativity than X.

(v) One element that X could combine with in a 1:1 ratio is an element from Group 16, specifically oxygen (O). Oxygen has an electronic configuration of 2,6 and needs two more electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. By combining with X, which loses two electrons, the resulting compound would be X2O.