1a. Draw a circle of 15mm b. Construct 2diameters at angles to each other c. Construct two more 2diameters bisecting the angles between those drown d. Join the ends of the 2diameters to form a regular polygon. What sort of polygon is it? e. Measure the length of one of sides of the polygon

Just do it.

d) is confusing. You say, "Join the ends of the 2 diameters to form a regular polygon"

but you have drawn 4 diameters.

I agree with Damon, just do the steps. Surely you can count how many endpoints you have.

To determine the type of polygon formed in this construction and measure the length of one of its sides, follow these steps:

a. Draw a circle with a diameter of 15mm.
b. Construct two diameters at angles to each other within the circle.
- To construct a diameter, draw a straight line passing through the center of the circle, extending from one side to the opposite side.
c. Construct two more diameters bisecting the angles between those drawn in step b.
- Bisect each angle formed in step b by drawing a straight line passing through the center of the circle, dividing the angle in half.
d. Join the ends of the two diameters to form a regular polygon.
- Connect the outer ends of the two diameters to create a closed shape.
- The resulting shape will be a regular polygon since the diameters are joining the points equidistant from the center.
e. Measure the length of one of the sides of the polygon.
- Using a ruler or other measuring tool, measure the length of one of the sides of the polygon that you have constructed.
- Take care to ensure that the measurement is accurate.

By following these steps, you will have constructed a regular polygon and determined the length of one of its sides. The specific type of polygon formed will depend on the angles created by the diameters, and can be identified based on the number of sides.