

A -12 ; x ≠-1/8
B -12 ; x ≠ -1/8, 0
C -12 ; x ≠ 0
D -12


A 1 ; x ≠ -7
B 1 ; x ≠ 0
C 1 ; x ≠ 0,-7
D 1


A 1 ; x ≠ -6
B 1 ; x ≠ -6,
C 1 ; x ≠ -2
D x+2


A x-3
B x-6 ; x ≠ -3
C x-6 ; x ≠ 6
D 1 ; x ≠ -3

For example, the first one:

-12x^4 / (x^4+8x^5)
= -12x^4 / (x^4(1+8x))

division by zero is undefined, so B is the right choice
why not A? Because the original fraction is 0/0 if x=0

You need to type your fractions as I did, rather than trying to copy/paste into plain text.

If you factor each of them and then set your answer = 0 you will be able to pick out a multiple choice answer that fits each scenerio.

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For example x^2 - 3x - 18 = (x -6)(x+3)

To simplify the expressions, follow these steps:

1. For the first expression, -12x^4, there is no simplification possible. So the answer is -12x^4.

2. For the second expression, x^4+8x^5, you can factor out x^4 to get x^4(1+8x). So the answer is -12x^4, x^4(1+8x).

Now let's simplify the next set of expressions:

1. For the expression x/(7x+x^2), you can factor out x to get x/(x(7+x)). Cancel out one of the x terms to get 1/(7+x). So the answer is 1/(7+x).

2. For the expression (x-2)/(x^2+4x-12), you can factor the denominator to get (x-2)/((x+6)(x-2)). Cancel out the (x-2) terms to get 1/(x+6). So the answer is 1/(x+6).

Therefore, the answers are:
-12x^4, x^4(1+8x), 1/(7+x), and 1/(x+6).

To simplify expressions, we need to perform the operations indicated. Let's go through each question and find the correct answer.

1) Simplify: -12x^4 / (x^4+8x^5)

To simplify this expression, we can first factor out a common term of x^4 from both the numerator and denominator:

-12x^4 / (x^4(1+8x))

Now divide -12x^4 by x^4:

-12 / (1+8x)

The simplified expression is -12 / (1+8x). However, we need to consider any restrictions on the variables. In this case, x cannot be equal to -1/8, as it would result in division by zero. So the final answer is:

A -12 ; x ≠ -1/8, 0

2) Simplify: x / (7x + x^2)

To simplify this expression, we first factor out a common term of x from the denominator:

x / (x(7 + x))

Now divide x by x:

1 / (7 + x)

The simplified expression is 1 / (7 + x). However, we need to consider any restrictions on the variables. In this case, x cannot be equal to 0 or -7, as it would result in division by zero. So the final answer is:

C 1 ; x ≠ 0,-7

3) Simplify: (x-2) / (x^2 + 4x - 12)

To simplify this expression, we need to factor the denominator:

(x-2) / ((x+6)(x-2))

Notice that the term (x-2) appears in both the numerator and denominator. We can cancel it out, resulting in:

1 / (x+6)

The simplified expression is 1 / (x+6). However, we need to consider any restrictions on the variables. In this case, x cannot be equal to -6, as it would result in division by zero. So the final answer is:

B 1 ; x ≠ -6

4) Simplify: (x^2-3x-18) / (x+3)

To simplify this expression, we can divide the numerator by the denominator using polynomial long division or synthetic division:

x - 6
x + 3 | x^2 - 3x - 18
- (x^2 + 3x)
-6x - 18
+ (6x + 18)

So the result of the division is x - 6.

The simplified expression is x - 6. However, we need to consider any restrictions on the variables. In this case, x cannot be equal to -3, as it would result in division by zero. So the final answer is:

B x-6 ; x ≠ -3