what is the IUPAC name for this: H-CH3-H-H-C-C-C-H-H-OH-H

To determine the IUPAC name for this molecule, we will follow a step-by-step process.

1. Identify the longest carbon chain: In this case, we have a chain with 4 carbon atoms. Therefore, the longest carbon chain is butane.

2. Number the carbon chain: Start numbering from one end of the chain, giving the substituents the lowest possible numbers. In our case, we have two substituents, an -OH group and a methyl group (CH3).
- The chain can be numbered either way, so let's start from the left side.
- The carbon with the -OH group gets the lowest number, which is 3.
- The carbon with the methyl group gets the next lowest number, which is 2.
- The remaining carbon gets the highest number, which is 4.

3. Determine the names and positions of substituents: Based on the numbering, we have a methyl group (CH3) attached to the second carbon (numbered as 2) and an -OH group attached to the third carbon (numbered as 3).

4. Write the IUPAC name: Combine the names of the substituents with the name of the parent chain and arrange them alphabetically.
- The parent chain is butane.
- The -OH group is called "hydroxy."
- The methyl group is called "methyl."

Putting it all together, the IUPAC name for the given molecule is 3-hydroxy-2-methylbutane.