Name, in full three(3) institutions which deal with human rights violations

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Three institutions that deal with human rights violations are:

1. United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC): The UNHRC is an intergovernmental body within the United Nations system responsible for promoting and protecting human rights around the world. It investigates human rights situations, conducts fact-finding missions, and issues reports and recommendations to address violations.

2. Amnesty International: Amnesty International is a global non-governmental organization that focuses on protecting human rights. It conducts research, documents and exposes human rights abuses, and advocates for justice and accountability.

3. International Criminal Court (ICC): The ICC is a permanent international tribunal established to hold individuals accountable for the most serious international crimes, including genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. It investigates and prosecutes those responsible for human rights violations when national authorities are unable or unwilling to do so.

Sure! Here are three institutions that deal with human rights violations:

1. United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC): The UNHRC is a principal international forum for addressing human rights concerns around the world. It consists of 47 member states responsible for promoting and protecting human rights globally. The UNHRC investigates human rights violations, conducts country reviews, and issues recommendations to address these violations.

To find this answer, you can conduct a simple web search using keywords like "international institutions for human rights violations" or "United Nations Human Rights Council."

2. Amnesty International: Amnesty International is a non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to monitoring and advocating for human rights worldwide. They conduct extensive research on human rights violations, document abuses, and mobilize public action to hold perpetrators accountable. They also provide support to victims and uphold human rights standards.

To find this answer, you can search for "international human rights NGOs" or specifically mention "Amnesty International."

3. International Criminal Court (ICC): The ICC is a permanent international tribunal established to investigate and prosecute individuals accused of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community. This includes crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide. The ICC serves as a crucial mechanism for ensuring accountability for human rights violations.

To find this answer, you can search for "international organizations for prosecuting human rights violations" or focus on the International Criminal Court (ICC).

When conducting searches, make sure to refer to official sources and reliable websites to gather accurate information about these institutions and their work in addressing human rights violations.