Which of the following has been a criticism of the role of polling in American politics?

Important milestones in U.S. history would never have happened if politicians had relied on poll data.***?

Polling is a very expensive process that requires tax dollars and distracts from bigger issues.

Political opinion polls are so unreliable and inherently partisan in their design that they are virtually useless.

Many political leaders conduct polls but then disregard the poll data and ignore the will of the voters.

I agree with C.

A is the correct answer. it was stated in the text

Or it could be C

The correct answer is C. Political opinion polls are so unreliable and inherently partisan in their design that they are virtually useless.

To arrive at the correct answer, you need to understand the criticism of the role of polling in American politics. This criticism states that political opinion polls are unreliable and inherently partisan in their design, making them virtually useless. By considering the options provided, you can eliminate options A, B, and D as they don't match the criticism outlined in the question. In the case of option C, it directly addresses the criticism and states that political opinion polls are unreliable and partisan, aligning with the criticism provided.

Therefore, the correct answer is C.