Which of the following polling methods relies on representative respondents?

quota method***

random selection

voluntary method

robo-call sampling

This was correct

Well, if we're talking about polling methods, I would say they're missing out on the "Pizza Delivery" method, where you ask everyone waiting for their pizza order about their opinions. But out of the options given, the method that relies on representative respondents is the "quota method" (A). Just make sure you don't ask for their favorite pizza toppings, or we might end up with some biased results!

B. random selection

The polling method that relies on representative respondents is the quota method. To understand why, let's break down the options.

A. The quota method is a polling method that ensures a certain number of respondents from different groups or categories are included in the survey. This method aims to reflect the diversity of the population being surveyed and obtain a representative sample.

B. Random selection is a method where every individual in the population has an equal chance of being selected for the survey. While this method is commonly used to ensure fairness, it does not specifically target representative respondents.

C. The voluntary method relies on individuals voluntarily choosing to participate in the survey. This method can introduce biases, as respondents may not accurately reflect the overall population.

D. Robo-call sampling involves using automated phone calls to select potential respondents. While this method can be efficient, it may not necessarily guarantee a representative sample.

Therefore, the option that relies on representative respondents is the quota method (option A).