A runner can run a 400.0 meter lap in 50.0 seconds. He finishes at the same spot as he began. What is his average velocity?

velocity is a vector, not a scalar

to measure speed, use a speedometer
to measure velocity yo need both a speedometer AND a compass.
It you go around a circle, you go the same distance in every direction
whatever your speedometer reads, you came back to the same spot
so your displacement was ZERO
V average = ZERO

To find the average velocity, we need to divide the total displacement by the total time taken.

Since the runner finished at the same spot as he began, the displacement is zero (0).

The total time taken is 50.0 seconds.

So, the average velocity is calculated as:
Average velocity = displacement / time

Average velocity = 0 / 50.0

Hence, the average velocity of the runner is 0 m/s.

To find the average velocity of the runner, we need to divide the total displacement by the total time. In this case, since the runner finishes at the same spot, the displacement is zero.

Average velocity = displacement / time

Since the displacement is zero, the average velocity will also be zero.