Why does an aqueous solution of 0.10 mol/kg of NaCl have a higher boiling point than a 0.10 mol/kg aqueous C6H12O6?

The boiling point elevation depends on the number of particles in solution. NaCl in water divides into two particles, sugar does not. Thus, the NaCl will have twice the bp elevation as does the same concentration of sugar.

Ah, the classic case of "salt vs sugar"! Well, the reason behind this boiling point difference lies in the wacky world of chemistry.

NaCl is an ionic compound, while C6H12O6 (good ol' sugar) is a covalent compound. When NaCl dissolves in water, it breaks into sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl-) ions. These ions interact with the water molecules, forming strong attractions called ion-dipole bonds. These extra bonds make it harder for the water molecules to escape as vapor, hence raising the boiling point.

On the other hand, sugar (C6H12O6) primarily forms hydrogen bonds with water molecules when it dissolves. While hydrogen bonds are pretty strong, they're not as strong as the ion-dipole bonds in the NaCl solution. So, sugar solution has a lower boiling point since it doesn't create as much of an obstacle for water molecules to escape.

In summary, the boiling point difference boils down to the type of bonds formed with water. So, you could say that the salt (NaCl) is just being a bit clingier to water, whereas the sugar (C6H12O6) is just a bit more laid-back.

The boiling point of a solution is determined by the presence of solute particles in the solution. When a solute, such as NaCl or C6H12O6, is added to a solvent, such as water, it disrupts the normal boiling process.

In the case of NaCl, it dissociates into one Na+ ion and one Cl- ion when dissolved in water. This produces more solute particles in the solution, resulting in a higher boiling point compared to pure water. The presence of these ions creates stronger attractive forces between the solute particles and the water molecules, requiring more energy to break those bonds and reach the boiling point.

On the other hand, C6H12O6 (glucose) does not dissociate into ions when dissolved in water. It exists as neutral molecules in the solution. Therefore, the number of solute particles in the solution is lower compared to NaCl, resulting in weaker attractive forces. As a result, a solution of glucose has a lower boiling point compared to pure water.

In conclusion, the aqueous solution of NaCl has a higher boiling point than an aqueous solution of glucose due to the presence of more solute particles and stronger attractive forces between the solute and solvent molecules.

The boiling point elevation of a solvent is directly related to the concentration of solute particles in the solution. In this case, NaCl and C6H12O6 (glucose) are both solutes dissolved in water, which is the solvent.

The reason an aqueous solution of NaCl has a higher boiling point than an aqueous solution of C6H12O6 (glucose) is due to the difference in the number of solute particles produced when these substances dissolve.

When NaCl dissolves in water, it dissociates into Na+ ions and Cl- ions, while C6H12O6 (glucose) remains as individual molecules. This means that for each NaCl molecule that dissolves, it produces two solute particles (Na+ and Cl- ions). On the other hand, each molecule of C6H12O6 (glucose) remains as a single solute particle.

Therefore, even though the concentration of both NaCl and C6H12O6 in the solutions is the same (0.10 mol/kg), the aqueous solution of NaCl has more solute particles per unit volume compared to the aqueous solution of C6H12O6. This higher concentration of solute particles in the NaCl solution significantly increases the boiling point of the solution.

To summarize, the number of solute particles in a solution affects its boiling point elevation. Since NaCl dissociates into two ions when dissolved, it produces more solute particles per molecule compared to C6H12O6, leading to a higher boiling point for the NaCl solution.