How did Mexican Cession shape the growth of the United States? (Select all that apply.)

It eliminated nationalism.
It promoted migration west.
It spread Christianity.
It promoted cultural hegemony.

I think the answers are 2, 3 and 4?

To determine which options correctly answer the question, let's examine each option in relation to the Mexican Cession:

1. It eliminated nationalism: This option is incorrect. The Mexican Cession, which refers to the territory ceded by Mexico to the United States after the Mexican-American War in 1848, did not eliminate nationalism. In fact, it can be argued that the acquisition of new territory through the Mexican Cession increased feelings of nationalism among Americans.

2. It promoted migration west: This option is correct. The Mexican Cession provided the United States with a significant amount of land in the western region, including the present-day states of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and parts of Colorado and Wyoming. This new territory encouraged westward migration, as settlers moved into the region in search of opportunities, such as gold during the California Gold Rush.

3. It spread Christianity: This option is partially correct. While the Mexican Cession did not directly spread Christianity, it did lead to an increase in Anglo-American settlers in the region, many of whom were Christian. As these settlers established communities and institutions, they inevitably brought their religious beliefs with them, contributing to the spread of Christianity in the area.

4. It promoted cultural hegemony: This option is correct. The acquisition of the Mexican Cession by the United States resulted in the displacement of indigenous populations and the imposition of Anglo-American culture. This process of cultural dominance or cultural hegemony can be seen as a result of the expansion of the United States into the Mexican Cession territory.

Therefore, the correct options that apply to how the Mexican Cession shaped the growth of the United States are options 2, 3, and 4.