What is force


Huumm. Not so sure the dictionary is into physics.

Force is a vector. It has magnitude and direction.
Total force on a system is the vector sum of all force vectors acting on the system.
The acceleration vector or rate of change of momentum of the center of gravity of the system is in the direction of the total force vector and the magnitude of the acceleration is the magnitude of the force vector divided by the mass of the system.
F = m A = m dV/dt

Force is a concept in physics that refers to a push or pull on an object that causes it to accelerate, deform, or change its state of motion. It is typically measured in Newtons (N). To understand force, you can use the equation:

Force = mass × acceleration

where mass is the amount of matter in an object and acceleration is the rate at which the object's velocity changes over time.

To find the force acting on an object, you need to know its mass and the acceleration it is experiencing. Mass can be measured directly using a balance or by calculating the amount of matter in the object. Acceleration can be determined by measuring the change in an object's velocity over a given time interval using the equation:

Acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time

Once you have the values for mass and acceleration, you can multiply them together to determine the force acting on the object.