1. Which are effects of the establishment of the European Union? Select all that apply.

European Union Effects

free language instruction among members

import taxes between countries

elections among all members for all EU government positions

free trade among members

citizens moving through borders freely

2. Which are aspects of the German economy and which are aspects of the British economy?

British Economy

German Economy

strong market orientation

mixed economy

focused on engineering and technical aspects

relied on natural resources in the 1800s

mixed economy

mixed economy

strong market orientation

focused on engineering and technical aspects

relied on natural resources in the 1800s

3.What is the main reason other members of the EU are concerned about the British decision to leave the EU?

They are concerned that other nations will want to leave the EU after Britain.

They are concerned that English will not be spoken in the EU any longer.

They are concerned that Britain will join competing economic unions.

They are concerned that Britain will no longer trade with EU nations.

4.Why do current demographic trends pose problems in Europe?

There are too many children to educate properly.

A large aging population stresses the ability of a small workforce to care for it.

Too many immigrants are not learning the language of their new country and communicating effectively.

There are not enough experienced workers planning on retiring and leaving space for new promotions.

5.Which was the first language to arrive in Europe through conquest and spreading of culture?





6.Which of the following was the European Union response to the Syrian refugee crisis of 2015?

Unified: All countries accepted refugees.

Unified: No countries accepted refugees.

Mixed: Wealthier countries accepted refugees and others did not.

Conflicted: The debate over the refugee crisis caused Brexit.

7.Why was there so much migration after World War II in Europe? Select all that apply.

New laws after the Allies won the war restricted Germans.

Widespread damage after the war made people look for new housing.

Shifting national boundaries made some move.

People who didn't agree with their governments' actions during the war moved away.

The end of the Soviet Union allowed people to emigrate.

8.The language spoken by the majority of people in evolved directly from Germanic languages.

slovakia, greece, france, england

9. Which of the following statements accurately describe Germany today?

The European Union makes most economic decisions. Its economy relies on the extraction of natural resources. It has invested heavily in human capital and has a high literacy rate. It has a mixed economy and the strongest history of entrepreneurship in Europe.

Pick a sentence

Which part of the European Union government proposes legislation and enforces EU law?

European Council

European Commission

Court of Justice

European Parliament

Which aspect of Europe's mixed economies have the features of a command economy?

Citizens vote for representatives.

The government controls health care and education.

Entrepreneurship is highly valued.

Citizens pay high taxes and vote on how to spend them.

12.How is Vatican City different from all other European countries?

It is located entirely inside another country.

It is a theocracy.

It has a Catholic majority.

It does not use the euro.

answers for connexus 7th grade unit 3 review

1.free trade among members,citizens moving through borders freely
2.British: mixed economy, strong market orientation, relied on natural resources in the 1800s
German: mixed economy. focused on engineering and technical aspects, relied on natural resources in the 1800s
9. it has invested in human capital and has a high literacy rate

Help is 100% correct for connexus im unsure for others

yes please check

1. The effects of the establishment of the European Union include:

- Free language instruction among members: This is not a direct effect of the establishment of the European Union. It may be a result of the closer collaboration and communication among member countries, but it is not an official policy or requirement of the EU.

- Import taxes between countries: The establishment of the EU has led to the elimination or reduction of import taxes (also known as tariffs) between member countries. This promotes free trade and economic integration within the EU.

- Elections among all members for all EU government positions: The EU has a democratic system where members elect representatives to the European Parliament. These representatives are responsible for making decisions and proposing legislation for the EU.

- Free trade among members: One of the main goals of the EU is to create a single market where goods, services, capital, and people can move freely among member countries. This promotes economic growth and prosperity within the EU.

- Citizens moving through borders freely: The establishment of the EU has led to the removal of internal border controls between member countries. This means that EU citizens can travel, live, and work freely within the EU without the need for visas or permits.

2. Aspects of the German economy include:

- Mixed economy: Germany has a mixed economy, which means it combines elements of both a market economy and a planned economy. The government plays a significant role in regulating and overseeing economic activities, but there is also a strong presence of private businesses and entrepreneurship.

- Strong market orientation: Germany has a strong focus on market-driven economic activities. It has a highly developed industrial sector and is known for its exports, particularly in sectors such as automotive, engineering, and technology.

Aspects of the British economy include:

- Mixed economy: Like Germany, the British economy is also a mixed economy. It combines elements of both a market economy and a planned economy. The government plays a role in regulating and overseeing economic activities, but there is also a significant presence of private businesses.

- Focused on engineering and technical aspects: The British economy has a strong presence in sectors such as engineering, technology, and innovation. It is known for its contributions to fields such as aerospace, automotive, and pharmaceuticals.

3. The main reason other members of the EU are concerned about the British decision to leave the EU is:

C. They are concerned that Britain will join competing economic unions.

Other EU members are concerned that after Britain leaves the EU, it may seek to establish closer ties with other economic unions or trade blocs, which could potentially create competition or undermine the unity and solidarity within the EU.

4. The current demographic trends pose problems in Europe because:

B. A large aging population stresses the ability of a small workforce to care for it.

Europe is experiencing a demographic shift with a rapidly aging population and a relatively smaller working-age population. This puts a strain on the social security systems, healthcare, and the ability of the workforce to support and care for the growing elderly population.

5. The first language to arrive in Europe through conquest and spreading of culture was:

C. Latin

Latin, as the language of the Roman Empire, spread through conquest and colonization and heavily influenced the development of many European languages.

6. The European Union response to the Syrian refugee crisis of 2015 was:

C. Mixed: Wealthier countries accepted refugees and others did not.

The response to the Syrian refugee crisis varied among EU member countries. Some wealthier countries, such as Germany, accepted a significant number of refugees, while others imposed stricter border controls or refused to accept refugees.

7. The reasons for migration after World War II in Europe include:

- A. New laws after the Allies won the war restricted Germans.
- B. Widespread damage after the war made people look for new housing.
- C. Shifting national boundaries made some move.
- D. People who didn't agree with their governments' actions during the war moved away.
- E. The end of the Soviet Union allowed people to emigrate.

After World War II, there were various factors that led to significant migration in Europe, including newly imposed laws, the need for housing due to widespread destruction, changes in national boundaries, political disagreements, and opportunities for emigration after the end of Soviet influence.

8. The language spoken by the majority of people in Slovakia, Greece, France, and England evolved directly from:

A. Germanic languages

The majority of the languages spoken in these countries (Slovakia, Greece, France, and England) evolved directly from Germanic languages.

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