Use arrow notation to describe the translation of point P(–5, –4) to point P′(–8, –7).

one transformation would be a simple translation: (x,y) -> (x-3,y-3)

There are, of course other ways to get there, involving scaling, rotation and reflection.

To describe the translation of point P(-5, -4) to point P'(-8, -7) using arrow notation, we start with the coordinates of point P and subtract the coordinates of point P':

P' = P - (x, y)

Using the given coordinates, we can calculate the values of x and y:

x = (–8) - (–5) = -8 + 5 = -3
y = (–7) - (–4) = -7 + 4 = -3

Therefore, the arrow notation for the translation is:

P' = P - (-3, -3)

To describe the translation of point P(–5, –4) to point P′(–8, –7) using arrow notation, we need to determine the difference between the x-coordinates and the difference between the y-coordinates.

The x-coordinate of P has been changed from –5 to –8. The difference is:
–8 – (–5) = –8 + 5 = –3

The y-coordinate of P has been changed from –4 to –7. The difference is:
–7 – (–4) = –7 + 4 = –3

Therefore, the translation can be described as (–3, –3). This means that point P has been translated 3 units to the left and 3 units downward to reach point P′.