Two consecutive odd numbers are such that seven times the smaller ,subtracted from nine times the bigger ,144.find two numbers.

let the numbers be x and x+2

Now you just have to solve
9(x+2) - 7x = 144




To find the two consecutive odd numbers, we can use algebraic equations.

Let's represent the smaller odd number as "x" and the larger odd number as "x+2" since consecutive odd numbers have a difference of 2.

According to the problem, we know that "seven times the smaller, subtracted from nine times the bigger, is equal to 144". We can write this as an equation:

9(x+2) - 7x = 144

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of "x":

9x + 18 - 7x = 144

2x + 18 = 144

2x = 144 - 18

2x = 126

x = 126 / 2

x = 63

Now that we have found the value of "x" (which represents the smaller odd number), we can find the larger odd number by adding 2:

x+2 = 63 + 2

x+2 = 65

Therefore, the two consecutive odd numbers are 63 and 65.