Which function rule represents the data in the table?

x –3 –2 –1 0 1

y –17 –14 –11 –8 –5

note that y grows by 3 when x grows by 1.

So, start with y = 3x
Now make it fit when x=0 (or any other value shown, but 0 is the easiest)

To determine the function rule that represents the given data in the table, we need to identify the pattern or relationship between the x-values and y-values.

Looking at the table, we can observe that as the x-values increase by 1, the y-values increase by 3. This indicates a linear relationship with a slope of 3. However, we also need to consider the y-intercept, which is the value of y when x equals zero.

By examining the y-values when x equals zero, we can see that y is equal to -8. Thus, the y-intercept is -8.

So, putting the slope and y-intercept together, we can determine that the function rule representing the data is:

y = 3x - 8