Agatha maintains that people are capable of freely making voluntary choices. Constance is mainly focused on how aggression is caused by genetic inheritance. It seems reasonable to assume that Constance is not much interested in environmental factors impacting behavior while Agatha rejects

A. introspection.
B. determinism.
C. heredity.
D. mental processes.

And you think ... ?


To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand the perspectives of Agatha and Constance. Agatha believes that people have the ability to freely make choices, implying a belief in free will. Constance, on the other hand, is primarily focused on the role of genetic inheritance in causing aggression.

Based on this information, we can eliminate options (A) introspection and (D) mental processes, as there is no clear indication that Agatha or Constance reject these concepts.

Next, option (C) heredity can also be eliminated because Constance's focus on genetic inheritance suggests that she is interested in this factor.

Therefore, the most likely answer is (B) determinism. Agatha's belief in free will stands in contrast to determinism, which posits that actions are determined by pre-existing causes. Since Constance's focus on genetic inheritance suggests a more deterministic perspective, it can be inferred that she is not much interested in environmental factors impacting behavior.

In summary, the answer to this question is (B) determinism.